Heavy handling tasks are particularly common in steel processing companies. To relieve employees and create an ergonomic working environment, we offer handling solutions for round bars, plates, profiles, tubes and sheets.
With our special gripping systems and robot solutions, we automate your palletising and picking tasks. Our automation solutions can also be integrated into existing sawing systems, thereby optimising your processes.
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Our processing machines for round materials such as tubes or round rods enable a wide range of production steps such as e.g.
The insertion of centring holes is a preparatory work step that is necessary for the subsequent finishing in the automatic lathe. Welding preparation is also carried out fully automatically in our tube chamfering system.
Mössner plant technology is available inline or interlinked with robot systems. The finished workpieces are palletised and commissioned fully automatically by our pick and place system. We create corresponding palletising patterns for your task and containers.
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