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October 2022 –
Mössner Hot saw package 🔥



It is often not possible to cool a component to the temperature required for further processing.
Process-related reasons can play a role here or a lack of space to install cooling equipment.
For these cases, the Mössner hot saw package provides a remedy.

Your advantages:

  •  A Mössner bandsaw equipped with a hot saw package is capable of sawing components at a temperature of up to max. 300 °C.
  • Components can be further processed without long cooling times, resulting in shorter cycle times and higher quantities of the component.
  • Negative influences (crack formation, microstructural changes), which can occur during active cooling by fans or even water, for example, are minimized or prevented.
  • No additional cooling measures are necessary, thus no additional costs arise for you 
  • Handling advantage: The component can be sawn directly without an intermediate step (cooling).