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Extrusion billets are the starting material in the forming process of extrusion. Here, the billet is pressed through a die and formed into an extrusion profile. Extruded profiles are used in a wide variety of areas. In shipbuilding, aviation, windows and doors, automotive, the food industry and many other areas.
With our band saw technology, your billet production becomes efficient and effective. Our band saws not only make your cuts quickly and precisely, but they also reduce the amount of chips produced. This increases the proportion of recyclable material. Compared to circular saws, the lower cutting performance also reduces energy consumption. With the help of our billet saws, you can carry out head and foot cuts as well as cutting to desired sub-segments and lengths with process reliability. The saws are suitable for a wide range of diameters and lengths.
Benefit from the advantages of our sawing technology:
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